The K2 Wind Foundation has partnered with Prime Coalition, a U.S. based non-profit that is working to encourage philanthropic organizations to invest in early-stage energy technology companies. The world needs catalytic capital that is able to lead. PRIME is a public charity that facilitates investments by working with an ever-expanding group of philanthropic organizations- private foundations, corporate foundations, donor advised funds, and individual donors – to place charitable capital into best-in-class, early stage, for-profit companies that promise vast reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions. Our short-term goal is to lower the high barriers that make charitable investment in this area prohibitively difficult, and share our proof-of-concept investments as demonstrative case studies with the philanthropic community. For more information on Prime Coalition please visit their website: www.primecoalition.org

Since 2015, the K2 Wind Foundation has partnered up with Project AWARE, a U.S. based non-profit that seeks to project marine life and clean up the world’s oceans. Project AWARE trains scuba divers to record and safely dispose of waste they find on their dives. By recording the amount and type of waste that is found a dive sites around the world, Project AWARE hopes to create an underwater map of waste to educate the masses on the quantity and quality of trash that is being dumped into the world’s oceans. The K2 Wind Foundation continues to support Project AWARE’s efforts by funding Adopt A Dive sites in South East Asia, which aims to educate and encourage resorts and dive sites around the world to help clean up marine debris they find on their dives. For more information on Project AWARE please visit their website: www.projectaware.org

1.8 billion people around the world don’t have access to safe water and 2.4 billion lack access to adequate sanitation. Women and children spend more than 4 hours walking for water each day, and more than 840,000 people die each year from water-related diseases. We want to see communities break free from the cycle of poverty and spend time growing, learning, and thriving, instead of walking for water and fighting off illness. We’re working to reach Everyone Foreverwith safe water and sanitation. For more information, please visit their website: www.waterforpeople.org

Founded in 2007, ROLE Foundation was created to stop land-based waste from getting into the oceans, and help create sustainable jobs to protect the livelihoods of coastal communities. Through ROLE’s campus we provide education, and skills training programs and grassroots community assistance to alleviate poverty and ensure environmental sustainability.

Since 2016, the K2 Wind Foundation has partnered up with Silicon Flatirons, a U.S. based non-profit based in Boulder Colorado. Silicon Flatirons propels the future of technology policy and innovation. Through their initiatives, events, and publications, they develop professionals who are ready to lead what’s next. Many of these professionals and entrepreneurs are focused on developing Clean Energy Technologies. For more information on Silicon Flatirons please visit their website: www.siliconflatirons.org

Since 2015, the K2 Wind Foundation has partnered up with Operation Smile, a U.S. based non-profit that provides cleft lip and cleft palate surgies to Children around the globe. Operation Smile was founded in 1982 when Founders Dr. Bill Magee Jr. and his wife Kathy traveled to the Philippines with a group of medical volunteers to repair children’s cleft lips and cleft palates. What they found on that trip was overwhelming. “People pushed their babies at us.” recalss Kathy. “They tugged at our sleeves with tears int heir eyes and begged us to help thier children.” Kathy and Bill have made it thier mission to create a world where no child suffers from lack of access to safe surgery. For more information on Operation Smile please visit their website: www.operationsmile.org